What is Invalid Traffic? How to stop Invalid Traffic


7 min read
What is Invalid Traffic? How to stop Invalid Traffic

In the ever-changing realm of digital advertising, one of the enduring challenges encountered by marketers and website proprietors is the issue of Invalid Traffic (IVT). IVT, often described as ad fraud, encompasses a variety of activities where automated or non-human interactions take place with online content and advertisements, resulting in deceptive practices that can detrimentally impact businesses and distort critical performance indicators. In this article, we will take a closer look at the world of IVT, exploring its diverse manifestations, the underlying causes of its existence, and the detrimental consequences it poses for websites and advertisers alike. Furthermore, we will discuss effective strategies for mitigating IVT, with a particular emphasis on utilizing WAF360 as a robust solution.

What is Invalid Traffic? How to stop Invalid Traffic?

What is Invalid Traffic (IVT)?

Invalid Traffic, or IVT, refers to any activity that generates artificial interactions on digital platforms, including websites and advertisements. This activity typically originates from non-human sources, such as bots, scripts, or automated programs, and can skew important metrics, leading to inaccurate data and financial losses for advertisers. IVT can manifest in various forms, ranging from click fraud, impression fraud, and even malicious activities like scraping content from websites.

Types of IVT and Why IVT Happens

Understanding the types of IVT and the motivations behind it is crucial for addressing the issue effectively:

a. Click Fraud

Click fraud is a prevalent form of IVT, where automated bots or individuals intentionally click on ads without any genuine interest in the advertised product or service. This is often done to exhaust an advertiser's budget or to artificially inflate click-through rates.

b. Impression Fraud

Impression fraud occurs when false impressions are recorded for an advertisement, making it appear as though the ad received more views than it actually did. This can lead to advertisers paying for non-existent exposure.

c. Traffic from Non-Human Sources

IVT can also originate from automated bots, scripts, or hijacked devices that generate traffic to websites and ads. These sources can manipulate statistics and disrupt the normal functioning of online platforms. It's important to note that not all non-human traffic is malicious. Search engine bots like Googlebots, Bingbots, or Yahoo Slurp, for example, play a vital role in indexing and ranking web content. They access websites to provide accurate search results. However, other non-human traffic sources, such as aggressive scrapers or clickbots, can be detrimental and should be identified and blocked.

The motivations behind IVT can vary. It may be driven by competitors looking to harm a business, individuals seeking to generate revenue through ad clicks, or even malicious actors with the intent to disrupt online operations.

The Harms of Invalid Traffic

Invalid Traffic can have far-reaching negative consequences for both advertisers and website owners. Here are some of the most significant harms caused by IVT:

a. Waste of Server Resources

The influx of invalid traffic consumes server resources, leading to higher hosting costs and potentially slowing down the website's performance for legitimate users.

b. Reduced System Performance and User Experience

IVT can overload servers, causing slow loading times and a poor user experience for genuine visitors. Slow websites can lead to higher bounce rates and decreased user engagement.

c. Reduced Ads Quality

When IVT artificially inflates click-through rates, advertisers may think their campaigns are performing well when, in reality, they are not. This can lead to misguided decisions and wasted ad spend.

d. Wrong Metrics in Google Analytics and Other Analytics Systems

Invalid Traffic can distort analytics data, making it challenging to make informed decisions based on inaccurate data. This can affect marketing strategies and ROI calculations.

How to Filter Out Invalid Traffic at GA (Google Analytics)

Filtering out Invalid Traffic in Google Analytics is essential to ensure that your data accurately reflects real user interactions. Here are some steps to help you filter out Invalid Traffic:

a. Identify Suspicious Traffic: Monitor your GA reports for unusual patterns, such as high bounce rates, abnormally high click-through rates, and suspicious referral sources.

b. Implement Filters: Create filters in GA to exclude known bots and spiders from your traffic data. Google offers predefined bot filtering options that can be applied to your view settings.

c. Regularly Review and Update Filters: Stay vigilant and periodically review your filters to ensure they continue to block unwanted traffic effectively.

Most well-known bots that you should consider filtering out:

  1. Googlebot: Google's web crawler that indexes web pages for search engine rankings. While you generally want to track Googlebot's activity, you may want to exclude it from certain reports if you're primarily interested in user behavior.

  2. Bingbot: Microsoft's equivalent to Googlebot, responsible for indexing pages for Bing search.

  3. Yahoo Slurp: Yahoo's web crawler that indexes web pages for Yahoo Search.

  4. Baiduspider: The web crawler used by Baidu, the leading search engine in China.

  5. Yandex Bot: Yandex's web crawler, used for indexing pages for Russia's largest search engine, Yandex.

  6. DuckDuckGo Bot: The bot used by the privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo.

  7. Facebook External Hit: Bot used by Facebook to retrieve information from websites when shared on the platform.

  8. Twitterbot: Bot used by Twitter to fetch data from websites when links are shared on the platform.

  9. LinkedInBot: Bot used by LinkedIn to scrape data from websites when shared on the platform.

  10. Pinterest Bot: Bot used by Pinterest to crawl and display website content when pinned.

  11. AhrefsBot: The web crawler used by Ahrefs, a popular SEO tool, for backlink analysis.

  12. SEMrushBot: SEMrush's web crawler used for data collection for their SEO tools.

  13. MJ12bot: A web crawler used by Majestic, an SEO and marketing tool provider.

  14. DotBot: Bot used by Moz, a prominent SEO software company.

  15. BLEXBot: A bot often used for web scraping purposes.

How to Block Invalid Traffic with WAF360

Web Application Firewall 360 (WAF360) is a robust solution for blocking Invalid Traffic and protecting your website from malicious activities. Here's how WAF360 can help:

a. Advanced Bot Detection

WAF360 employs advanced bot detection algorithms to identify and block invalid traffic in real-time. It distinguishes between genuine users and automated bots to prevent fraudulent interactions.

b. Real-time Monitoring

WAF360 continuously monitors website traffic and assesses user behavior to detect anomalies and suspicious activities. This proactive approach allows for swift identification and mitigation of IVT.

c. Customizable Rules

WAF360 allows website owners to create custom rules and policies to block specific types of IVT or tailor security settings according to their unique needs.

d. Scalability

Benefits of Using WAF360 IVT Blocking Solution

WAF360 can handle high volumes of traffic and adapt to the changing nature of IVT threats, ensuring consistent protection.

Implementing WAF360 as your IVT blocking solution offers a range of benefits for your business:

a. Save Server Cost: By blocking IVT, you can significantly reduce the load on your servers, leading to cost savings on hosting and infrastructure.

b. Save Server Resources: WAF360 prevents IVT from consuming server resources, allowing your website to operate smoothly for legitimate users.

c. Improve Page Speed and Revenue: A faster website, free from IVT-related slowdowns, can lead to improved user experience, lower bounce rates, and increased revenue.

d. Protect Content from Scrapers: WAF360 helps protect your valuable content from scrapers and other malicious actors, preserving the integrity of your digital assets.

Invalid Traffic (IVT) poses a substantial threat to the digital advertising industry and website owners alike. Understanding the different types of IVT, its motivations, and the harm it can cause is the first step in combating this issue effectively. Utilizing tools like Web Application Firewall 360 (WAF360) can provide a robust defense against IVT, leading to cost savings, improved user experiences, and enhanced revenue generation. By staying vigilant and implementing proactive measures, businesses can protect their online presence from the detrimental effects of IVT and ensure that their digital operations remain secure and reliable.

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